Friday, December 21, 2012

Making A Difference ebook – featuring stories by Rachel Grant

This is a wonderful collection of stories by Rachel Grant about the inspirational people
and organisations she has met on her travels in the Philippines and around the world. If
you've ever dreamed that change is  possible, that people really can make a difference,
that there truly is hope for our world, then please read this book, the proceeds of which
will support the Padua Charitable Fund to help transform poor communities in the Philippines.

It also includes stories from the acclaimed ebook Inspired By Manila by Wheldon
Curzon-Hobson about the ways in which the slums of Manila are being miraculously

You can also read stories about how New Zealand NGOs, businesses, tertiary
institutions and Youth Leadership Organisations are making a significant,
sustainable difference across NZ Aotearoa and the Pacific Asia region.

Click here to purchase the stories as an ebook
for US $2.99. Follow Rachel on Facebook.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Fountain Of Love School Building Project/Making A Difference

Further to yesterday's post about my book "Making a Difference", I have created an album around the school building project in Bani, Philippines. 100% of all profit collected from 'Making A Difference" is being donated to my Padua Charitable Fund's "Fountain of Love" school building project. 

The Fountain of Love (or "Burubor-ni-Ayat") story is incredible. It was on a beautiful beach in Bani where lived 600 "informal settlers". Happy in their thriving fishing community, they refused to leave their seaside homes as a typhoon was about to make landfall. One hour before the storm, their beloved Mayor left his family and went down to the beach in one last attempt to get them to leave. Finally, one family stepped forward and into the truck, then another and another. Soon everyone was accounted for and on their way. However, just as they were heading out on the road to safety, the typhoon came their way. Windows were blown through their vehicles and trees went down blocking their path. Everyone huddled together and lay low as rooftops and debris flew past. 

The region was devastated by the storm but every person including those from the fishing village miraculously survived. As for their homes on the beach? They had all been washed into the sea. 

The fishing community survivors lived in tents donated by the British for one year before they were rehoused in new brick homes on a pretty hillside in Bani. They called their village Fountain of Love - because it was built on just that. 

I recently visited the Fountain of Love and spent time with the 100 children living at the village. Taken by the humble community, their story, kindness and generosity, I have pledged to raise funds to build them a much-needed school. Mayor Navarro has kindly donated a perfect plot for the typhoon-proof school/multi-purpose centre. $5,000 USD is needed for the building materials and any remains will go towards the upkeep.

Please support and buy a book, like or simply share. Donations can be made directly to:

Making a Difference:

Happy Christmas! 

Please support my first book collaboration "Making a Difference" available at 100% of all profit is being donated to my "Fountain of Love" school building project in Bani, Philippines. Donations can be made via paypal to: I want to highlight that ALL funds go directly to the project and ALL charity workers are volunteers. $5,000 USD (£3,100) is needed for the construction and any more will go towards the upkeep. Any organisation or person interested in taking on the bulk of the cost can have the school/an award/scholarship named at their choice and can come and visit too! Children from the community are featured on the cover of the book.

How did it happen?

I recently visited the Fountain of Love village and spent time with the 100 children living there. Taken by the humble community, their story, kindness, gratitude and generosity, I pledged to raise funds to build them a much-needed school. Mayor Marcello Navarro has kindly donated a perfect plot for the typhoon-proof school/multi-purpose centre - so the land has been given to us for free! Wow :)

Their story..
The Fountain of Love (or "Burubor-ni-Ayat") story is incredible. It was on a beautiful beach in Bani where lived 600 "informal settlers". Happy in their thriving fishing community, they refused to leave their seaside homes as typhoon Emong was about to make landfall in 2010. One hour before the storm, their beloved Mayor Navarro left his family and went down to the beach in one last attempt to get them to leave. Finally, one family stepped forward and into the truck, then another and another. Soon everyone was accounted for and on their way. However, as the Mayor and the villagers were out on the road heading to safety, typhoon Emong made landfall. Windows were blown through their vehicles and trees went down blocking their path. Everyone huddled together and lay low as rooftops and debris flew past. The region was devastated by the storm but every person including those from the fishing village miraculously survived. And their homes on the beach? They had all been washed away. The fishing community survivors lived in donated tents for one year until they were rehoused in new brick homes on a pretty hillside in Bani. They called their village Fountain of Love - because it was built on just that.

If you're not in a position to buy a book or donate, a "like". "comment" or "share" can give power to the project in other ways :)

Thank you and Happy Christmas :)

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wine Country Abduction Story Of The Century

Click Here For The Original...!
If there was ever a story about child abduction that defies comprehension, this is the one. My husband James and I moved to Montana seeking a peaceful and quiet life, a change from San Francisco. Settling into a historic landmark in Helena, we awaited the near arrival of our son while James bought the necessary equipment for starting his web development business. Our plans were interrupted suddenly when, at 37 weeks, my body without warning spun into five grand mal seizures.

The next event that I remember is waking up in a hospital in Salt Lake City, Utah, and a nurse asking me if I remembered being pregnant. She gave me the phone to talk to James. With a steady pace, he told me the story of the baby, and re-oriented me to the facts of our lives.

He explained how the hospital sent me to Utah for "dialysis" when no dialysis was necessary, and the medical team had also saved the baby's life after they had taken three hours to arrive for him. Our son spent three hours gasping for air without adequate equipment while the system took its sweet time getting to him. We were now separated in three different cities; James was in Helena, baby James was transferred to Great Falls, Montana, and I remained in Utah recovering from a 3-day medically-induced coma.

The hospital was intent on not letting me go and stalling me until the psychiatrist was done condemning me for alleged "delirium" which he later on admitted to me did not exist. For this reason, needed shoulder surgery was procrastinated for seventeen days. During this time I was denied adequate food and water which weakened me.

The psychiatrist's evaluation was well-prepared. He asked me many questions, presented audio and visual materials designed to create adverse reactions, and mentioned case specific information pertaining to my other two children in California. I kept in almost daily contact with James, who said that a C.P.S. social worker, Jim Abrahamson, had began harassing him in Montana and stated in a cocky manner that he and the hospital in Utah had been sharing my medical information.

My husband called me and told me what my rights were, including the fact that I had the right to walk out of the hospital at any time without signing any papers. Also, the hospital evaluation was Unconstitutional because it was foisted on me without my consent. In so doing, they were violating Fifth Amendment Rights.

After lying to me incessantly about hospital policy and other vital matters, I took a firm stand against the hospital staff in writing. I demanded the proper medications for lowering blood pressure quickly, immediate shoulder surgery, and the release of my bus ticket and taxi ride which I had arranged through the Mormon Church, citing the law, the Constitution, and our family's international law firm. The psychiatrist and his understudy fled my room like scared rabbits, and the hospital staff became docile and compliant.

I escaped the hospital after seventeen days of unnecessary imprisonment. My milk supply was therefore terminated due to the illegal stalling campaign of Jim Abrahamson invading my medical records prior to any case being opened. We have his admission in writing.

The nightmare did not end here.

Arriving home on the Greyhound bus with my pained shoulder in a sling and the residual pain from a fresh C-section incision and healing insides, I embraced my cherished spouse and beheld the mixture of joyful relief and pain in his eyes. He told me that Mr. Abrahamson was trying to serve us papers. A notice had just been posted at our residence from the Sheriff's office.

James explained why we needed to move quickly out of our home for the time being. He had been avoiding service to our residence by leaving early every morning and studying Montana law and the Constitution all day at the local coffee shop. He suggested calling my parents and giving custody of James over to them ahead of C.P.S.'s efforts to seize him, and moving into a local motel on the other side of town until arrangements were made.

I agreed to this plan, and we called my mother that night to explain the present circumstances. The next morning, we paid for a motel and waited for Mr. Woodson to arrive. While waiting for his belated appearance, we called lawyers in Helena to arrange for an appointment. The few lawyers in this small town came off with a strangely reluctant attitude, so we finally secured an appointment with a private lawyer in Missoula, Montana, without mentioning Social Services involvement.

When Mr. Woodson arrived, he feigned good intentions including the desire to rescue our family from the system and to protect our strategy and the privacy of our whereabouts. However, as the evening proceeded and we enjoyed dinner at a restaurant together in Helena, doubts began to arise. Mr. Woodson made the mistake of mentioning the word "Adoption" with an eagerness and kept pushing for us to wait for an attorney to materialize in Helena.

He stated insistently that he would rather take an attorney in Helena where they "know the power structure" of the town, than take an appointment with a lawyer in Missoula. We rejected this suggestion immediately, however, explaining that our appointment in Missoula was secured, and that we had been unable to make one in Helena. Mr. Woodson then agreed that we would go back to our motels next door that evening and drive to the appointment in Missoula the next day after breakfast.

Arriving at our appointment the next day, we met with our intended attorney, a chubby man with an aggressive attitude. When he began to speak to us, he asked us what we wanted to do and why. We stated that we were here in his office to draw up a transfer of custody for our newborn James, for the simple reason that we felt it was in our son's best interest. The attorney then took a thoughtful pause, long enough for Mr. Woodson to interject the following statement:

"I would just like to say something. A C.P.S. social worker in Helena is involved with this case."

Upon this resounding statement, the attorney's demeanor changed as he inquired about more details on this matter. Mr. Woodson then went on to explain that he and his wife Carolyn were in this process of adopting two of my other children in California. He then stated that they would like to include James in their adoption process.

The attorney asked if any prior work had been done regarding their goals, and Mr. Woodson responded by explaining that he had made a phone call to Adoption Specialist Claudia Shockley in California. She had cooperated with Mr. Woodson by sending the records of my closed case in Napa directly to Jim Abrahamson's office in Helena, Montana. The attorney, becoming boldly indignant, then spouted:

"Well you shouldn’t undercut C.P.S. when they wish to intervene!"

Feeling strongly ourselves that C.P.S. shouldn't undercut the sacredness of families and the Constitution, my husband then presented his family's international law firm card of Calvo and Clark in Guam. Looking and talking more angrily, he stated that he would call Jim Abrahamson in Helena. Right then and there, we waited for him to have a short phone conference with Jim Abrahamson.

The attorney excused himself for a short meeting behind closed doors, stating that C.P.S. would drop their fabricated neglect charges and dismiss our case (see "The True Story" under "Wine Country Abduction-Part 2") if we would agree to a legal guardianship, but that if we came back at them with a lawsuit, they would re-try a dismissed case, even though this is illegal. We therefore agreed to the assignment of this guardianship under great duress, and awaited our scheduled Court date back in Helena to have the matter dropped.

It was now Friday, and we had one short weekend of rest before our scheduled Court date in Helena on November 5, 2007.

On November 3rd, we had one meeting with Jim Abrahamson. Mr. Woodson brought up adoption again, but Abrahamson said that they could not do this because it is a process. Then Mr. Woodson mentioned the baby's health as a reason for backing out of a guardianship. Mr. Abrahamson then responded that he would be would be happy to call the hospital right then, which he did, reporting back that the baby was doing fine. Before wrapping up the meeting, James interjected:

"Oh, by the way! We forgot to tell you. Both Sarah and I have Native American heritage". Looking taken aback, Jim and his present supervisor said that this would change everything. We would need a Court date on November 5th to establish this. We had already learned Montana law which stated that the mere claim of ANY Indian heritage disqualified James from state jurisdiction and parental rights terminations.

During the weekend prior to the 5th, we also received an e-mail from Mr. Woodson. He said he was driving to Great Falls, Montana to visit James who was still being held in the hospital, and that he and Carolyn were incapable of adopting James and "raising him to maturity". He suggested giving James to some strangers, a "younger couple" fitting his description of what he deemed to be ideal, hoping we would agree.

We did not answer. Mr. Woodson sent us another e-mail just prior to our 1:30 court date again, asking for a meeting before Court. Again we did not answer.

At the hearing, my attorney grabbed us in to her office and tried to tell me that I would be "losing all my rights" as a mother if I agreed to a guardianship. However, her attempts to deceive me ceased when I told her "not so", because I know full well that guardianships keep parental rights intact. Arriving in the courtroom itself, we then made mention of our Indian heritage which was disregarded.

State Deputy Attorney Carolyn Clemens simply opened the case and placed our son in State jurisdiction for five minutes without any birth certificate yet created for James. They then dismissed the case, handing us non-confidential paperwork stating "Case Dismissed". On the dismissed paperwork, it states that the Montana guardians have permission to live in California, and also that if I received any monies from an estate before the mid-1990's, it must be given to the wealthy guardians.

While standing before us with these papers, Mr. Abrahamson, in an apparent attempt to intimidate one last time, made a veiled threat. He said, "You guys will always be under the spotlight". This statement violated the Eighth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution which pertains to Cruel and Unusual Punishment.

The ride in Montana was now over, and we headed back to San Francisco on the bus to be near our son for visitation.

To summarize our experience in this city, we lived through about one year of hell. We were never once granted a single visit with James. Mr. Woodson made the promise over the phone to bring James to us at the beginning of our stay in the city. He said, "You will see your son". Instead, he concealed him entirely from his arrival in California until the present time.

After four months of concealing him from us without explanation, (this alone constitutes abduction) we decided to investigate the matter of my defrauded inheritance in the state of Arkansas. I uncovered a great deal of money owed to me which was also needed to help obtain proper housing. I asked my mother to please restore the money that she took from me, but she refused to do so, while continuing to blame me for the housing issue that they and C.P.S. created. They also refused to acknowledge money owed for pain and suffering due to child abduction.

After eight months of total concealment, James called Mr. Woodson again, inquiring about seeing our son. Mr. Woodson said we would never have a chance to see our son due to our Arkansas investigation, which we encourage you to read. (See: Foul Play In Arkansas Story). I then discovered shortly after this statement that Mr. Woodson, Rebecca and Jeffrey Feeney of St. Helena, and Mr. James Vaughn Jones, an attorney in Napa, were involved in a secret wrongful adoption process, and that James was already absent from the Woodson's house.

Mr. Feeney, the abductor, sent us the photo of James that is centered on this website. In this same e-mail that contained his photo, he attempted to serve us with papers for a parental rights termination hearing in Napa, which has no civil jurisdiction over James. In fact, the Woodsons did not even file a guardianship in California.

Concluding Thoughts
For those who view shows such as "Without a Trace", etc. which portrays a romanticized version of majestic heroism, cutting-edge investigation, and valiant concern for justice by U.S. government including agencies such as the F.B.I., etc., understand without mistake that these shows are absolute misrepresentations of reality.

When we contacted the F.B.I., they replied, "What's the urgency?". After contacting Special Agent Matthew Beaupain, he falsely claimed that he had "promised us nothing" and that their agency did not handle Color of Law matters. Is this true? Not according to their website.

The United States government and all its agencies are entirely corrupt, from the local police all the way to Washington, D.C. The only justice that exists operates in accordance with the question, "How much justice can you afford?". For this reason, our country is beyond repair at this time. The only change Americans can hope for is to have their bureaucracy removed and replaced. Under the current system, poor and even middle class Caucasian Americans are seeing their jobs, families, and freedoms destroyed due to the deliberately allowed influx of unauthorized foreigners, and the bullying tactics of our government.

Our "Wine Country Abduction Part 2" Story illustrates how we contacted every possible government agency and individual with the power to solve our problem to no avail. Who would ever think that between the local police, the F.B.I., and even a string of attorneys that we contacted, not one person is capable of arriving at the Feeney's doorstep and picking up our child? When Deputy Bryan Sardoc of Napa County did find him there on a "welfare check" after we reported an abduction, he simply left the child with the abductors, and then closed it without explanation! here is the Case Number: NSD08002427.

If anyone does have an explanation for this, please let us know. And this includes Napa County.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Fair Use Notice And Site, Blog, Social Disclaimer:

Warning--any person and/or institution and/or Agent and/or Agency of any governmental structure including but not limited to the United States Federal Government also using or monitoring/using this Website/Blog/Social Network or any of its associated Websites/Blogs/Social Networks, you do NOT have my permission to utilize any of my profile information nor any of the content contained herein including, but not limited to my photos, and/ or the comments made about my photo's or any other "picture" art posted on my profile AND/OR WEBSITE/BLOG/SOCIAL NETWORK.

You are hereby notified that you are strictly prohibited from disclosing, copying, distributing, disseminating, or taking any other action against me with regard to this profile and the contents herein.

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FAIR USE NOTICE: This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner.

James Alvin Sablan Sr. is making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc.

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(b) Unless displaced by the particular provisions of [the Uniform Commercial Code], the principles of law and equity, including the law merchant and the law relative to capacity to contract, principal and agent, estoppel, fraud, misrepresentation, duress, coercion, mistake, bankruptcy, and other validating or invalidating cause supplement its provisions.

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And the Rome Statute for complete details click web links below:


James Alvin Sablan Sr., Sui Juris
A Free Man, Sovereign, Constitutional Rights
Intact & No Rights Are Waived At Any Time.
All Rights Reserved Without Prejudice.


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Public Notice To The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit

To: The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit,

Please take note in the video footage listed below, and you will observe:

Second Judicial District Court State of Nevada County of Washoe
Judge Deborah Schumacher, Department 5
1 South Sierra Street
Reno, NV 89501

ignoring The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit Ruling in video 1,

Click on link below to view ruling:


also the United States Constitution and breaking other various laws.

View below for the full story:

Wine Country Abduction Proven 2010

1(b) Collateral Estoppel Affidavit State of Nevada County of Washoe Dated 6-18-2009

1(c) Formal Visitation Request Prima Facie Dated this 28th day of June, 2008

1(d) Wine Country Abduction Story Of The Century

2.) This is the law used to obtain him:

California Family Code Section 7822(a)(2)

3.) Here is Court Video Evidence 2010, that totally contradicts and proves the above petition and the law they used and it's contents to be a fraud and this Court Video to be a confession. "Read and judge for yourself"

Watch video number 2 it contains all the key players:

1.) Rebecca Feeney of Custom Event Group.

1a.) Rebecca Michelle Feeney maiden name Crotty.

1b.) Rebecca Crotty Feeney.

2.) Rev. Carolyn Lorraine Strong Woodson.

3.) Alfred Richard Woodson III.

3a.) Dick Woodson.

3b.) A. R. Woodson     

Complete Court Video:

4.) There are 2 guardianship's on James Matlock-Funes a.k.a. James A. Sablan III, in Montana and California which is illegal, in the above petition you will note that there are not any papers from the state of Montana rescinding their guardianship.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Wine Country Abduction Proven 2010

To: The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit,

Please take note in the video footage listed below, and you will observe:

Second Judicial District Court State of Nevada County of Washoe
Judge Deborah Schumacher, Department 5
1 South Sierra Street
Reno, NV 89501

ignoring The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit Ruling in video 1,

Click on link below to view ruling:


also the United States Constitution and breaking other various laws.

View below for the full story:

Wine Country Abduction Proven 2010

1(b) Collateral Estoppel Affidavit State of Nevada County of Washoe Dated 6-18-2009

1(c) Formal Visitation Request Prima Facie Dated this 28th day of June, 2008

1(d) Wine Country Abduction Story Of The Century

2.) This is the law used to obtain him:

California Family Code Section 7822(a)(2)

3.) Here is Court Video Evidence 2010, that totally contradicts and proves the above petition and the law they used and it's contents to be a fraud and this Court Video to be a confession. "Read and judge for yourself"

Watch video number 2 it contains all the key players:

1.) Rebecca Feeney of Custom Event Group.

1a.) Rebecca Michelle Feeney maiden name Crotty.

1b.) Rebecca Crotty Feeney.

2.) Rev. Carolyn Lorraine Strong Woodson.

3.) Alfred Richard Woodson III.

3a.) Dick Woodson.

3b.) A. R. Woodson     

Complete Court Video:

4.) There are 2 guardianship's on James Matlock-Funes a.k.a. James A. Sablan III, in Montana and California which is illegal, in the above petition you will note that there are not any papers from the state of Montana rescinding their guardianship.

Wine Country Abduction

Mayor Of Yountville Cynthia Saucerman

Mayor of Yountville
Cynthia Saucerman
6550 Yount Street
Yountville, CA 94599
Phone: 707-948-2636

Mayor Of St. Helena Del Britton

Mayor of St. Helena
Del Britton
(707) 963-5635 (h)
City of St. Helena
1480 Main Street,
St. Helena, CA 94574

Mayor Of Napa Jill Techel

Mayor Of Napa Jill Techel
c/o City Hall 955 School Street
PO Box 660 Napa, CA 94559-0660
Work Phone: 707-258-7876

Mayor Of Napa Jill Techel - Home
1075 Round Hill Cir.
Napa, CA 94558-5320
Home Phone: 707-255-6054

Napa County District Attorney Gary Allen Lieberstein

Napa County District Attorney
Gary Allen Lieberstein
Duties as Public Prosecutor
931 Parkway Mall
Napa, CA 94559-2647
Office Phone
(707) 253-4211
Office Fax
(707) 253-4041

Harry V. Martin Napa Sentinel

Harry V. Martin
Napa Board Of Supervisors Candidate
1627 Lincoln Ave
Napa, CA 94558-4827
(707) 253-8186

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
State Capitol Building
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: 916-445-2841
Fax: 916-558-3160

President George W. Bush

President George W. Bush
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 2050
Phone Numbers:
Comments: 202-456-1111
Switchboard: 202-456-1414
FAX: 202-456-2461
And the City and County of Napa,
The State of California, United States et al:

Video Of Our Son

Updated: The True Story - Authentic Document

Parental Rights Documented: Proof

The Reason Custom Event Group Breaks The Law:

Original E-Mail To The Mayors

Note: Click On This Web Link Below And See How Close:

Mayor Of Yountville Cynthia Saucerman

Mayor of Yountville - Home
Cynthia Saucerman
2011 Webber Ave
Yountville, CA 94599-1379
(707) 944-1852

Lives To The Perpetrators:

Alfred Richard Woodson III
Rev. Carolyn Lorraine Strong Woodson

Criminal Behavior Profile 1

Criminal Behavior Profile 2

Alfred Richard Woodson III and
Rev. Carolyn Lorraine Strong Woodson
2004 Humboldt Street
Yountville, California 94559
Home Phone: 707-944-2038

Google Map

The Guardians, Alfred Richard Woodson III and
Carolyn Lorraine Strong Woodson,

Have Violated The California Penal Codes:

Abduction- False Imprisonment- Kidnapping.

Click On This Link: California Penal Code

Mayors Of The Napa Valley Attention: Abduction
Jeffrey Feeney's Criminal Background Attached and
Case Lookup Web Link And Contact Information Listed Below:

Click On Link Below And Type In The Name Jeffrey Feeney And Click Submit:

Napa County Case Lookup

Prima Facie On This Day Of June 12th 2008

On Sunday, June 8, 2008, it was reported to my fiancé,
James A. Sablan Sr., and myself, Sarah Lorraine Matlock,
that our infant son, James Matlock Funes, was abducted/illegally
adopted by the individuals listed below, and is presently in imminent
danger. I am enclosing attaching Jeffrey Feeney's criminal background:

Jeffrey and Rebecca Feeney
Unlawful Custodians Detaining And Concealing "Child"

Rebecca Feeney Jeffrey Feeney

The Reason Custom Event Group Breaks The Law:

The Reason Custom Event Group Breaks The Law

1094 Valley View St.
Saint Helena, CA 94574-2346
Phone: (707) 968-9445
Cell Number: (707) 580-5678
Fax number (707) 968-9437
with the assistance of:

James Vaughn Jones

James Vaughn Jones
Attorney At Law
State Bar Number: 40883
1564 First Street
Napa, CA, 94559
Work Phone: (707) 252-8644

Our parental rights have not been terminated,
and there is no California jurisdiction over our child.
We are seeking the immediate return of our son.

This was reported to us directly by Sarah Matlock's
older son, Jeffrey Alexander Funes, who has been
living in this house from which he was abducted.
We also have evidence in writingthat this was
premeditated by the perpetrators,

Alfred Richard Woodson III and
Rev. Carolyn Lorraine Strong Woodson
2004 Humboldt Street
Yountville, California 94559
Home Phone: 707-944-2038

who are Montana-appointed guardians of our baby.
They have no paperwork filed in the State of California
and no legal adoption papers filed in the Napa Courthouse.
Prior to this, the baby had also been maliciously concealed
by the perpetrators for approximately eight months, for
which we also have proof.

We have evidence in writing and by eyewitnesses that this
adoption had already been in process, and this fact was
also confirmed by:

Investigator: William Jabin
Napa County District Attorney's Office Child Abduction Unit
931 Parkway Mall
Napa, CA 94559-2647

Work: (707) 253-4356

Amazingly, Napa County is not concerned about this crime
whatsoever. After confirming the facts of the carrying-out
of the adoption to Bill Jabin and Yountville law enforcement
on Monday, June 9th, we have been ignored and even blamed
for the crime.

Sergeant Berg of Yountville indicated that the criminal
abduction and illegal conspiracy was our fault because we are
bad people and that he was going to do nothing about it. Bill
Jabin has ignored our concerned phone calls for four days.

Harry Martin has been informed, and Neil Bowman Davis, the
Family Law Facilitator at the Self Help Center in the Napa
Courthouse,was informed. Regarding concealment alone,the
District Attorney should have picked up charges on this months
ago, since Napa County authorities were aware of the crime
months ago.

We know for a fact that if this crime was perpetrated by low
income people, the system would have completed a child
welfare check the first day that such a report came in. But the
conscientious Napa County authorities did nothing. This is due
to the corruption and favoritism of the rich in Napa County.

There has been not so much as one simple child welfare check at
the Feeney's house to verify Jeffrey Funes report that our child is
there. In fact, there has not even been a single police report taken
with a number assigned to it by Sergeant Berg or the Napa Police,
who were also called on June 9, 2008. It is illegal not to take a
police report and assign a number to it when a crime is reported.

We are going to expose this matter. We have many ways of doing
this which include the use of the Internet. The information we have
includes all correspondence made with authorities, non-confidential
paperwork, and incriminating e-mail evidence.

Obviously, upon the report of an abduction, a police report should
have been taken the first day, and a welfare check completed
immediately. Upon finding the child where he reported to be living
at this time, the parties should also have been arrested and require
to show any and all paperwork they have concerning any legal tie to
the child (which of course would be fraudulent).

We are, quite frankly, appalled by the irresponsible, uncouth
behaviors and attitudes of the Napa authorities, their haughtiness
and evident favoritism toward the wealthy, and the lawlessness
that they are endorsing through their negligence. Apparently they
have some type of strange agenda given the fact that if our facts
were incorrect, Jabin should have already called and verified this.

There is no need for a lengthy investigation to resolve this.

We are requesting your assistance in bringing an end to the
perpetuation of this serious crime since you have the power
and influence as Mayor of Napa, Mayor of St. Helena and
Mayor of Yountville,Napa County District Attorney Gary
Allen Lieberstein, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, and
President George W. Bush to make this happen.

We have already informed the guardians of their violations of
the U.S. Statutes which are:


Sec. 1983. Civil action for deprivation of rights.

Every person who, under color of any statute, ordinance,
regulation,custom, or usage, of any State or Territory or
the District of Columbia, subjects, or causes to be subjected,
any citizen of the United States orother person within the
jurisdiction thereof to the deprivation of anyrights, privileges,
or immunities secured by the Constitution and laws,
shall be liable to the party injured in an action at law, suit in
equity, or other proper proceeding for redress, except that in
any action brought against a judicial officer for an act or
omission taken in such officer's judicial capacity, injunctive
relief shall not be granted unless a declaratory decree was
violated or declaratory relief was unavailable. For the purposes
of this section, any Act of Congress applicable exclusively to the
District of Columbiashall be considered to be a statute of the District
of Columbia.

(R.S. Sec. 1979; Pub. L. 96-170, Sec.1, Dec. 29, 1979, 93 Stat. 1284;
Pub. L. 104-317, title III, Sec.309(c), Oct. 19, 1996, 110 Stat. 3853.)

R.S. Sec. 1979 derived from act Apr.20, 1871, ch. 22, Sec. 1, 17
Stat. 13.
Section was formerly classified to section 43 of Title 8, Aliens and


1996-Pub. L. 104-317 inserted before period at end of first
sentence ", except that in any action brought against a judicial
officer for an act or omission taken in such officer's judicial
capacity, injunctive relief shall not be granted unless a declaratory
decree was violated or declaratory relief was unavailable".
1979-Pub. L. 96-170 inserted "or the District of Columbia" after
"Territory", and provisions relating to Acts of Congress applicable
solely to the District of Columbia.

Effective Date of 1979 Amendment
Amendment for deprivation of rights, privileges, or immunities
secured by the Constitution and laws occurring after Dec. 29, 1979,
see section 3 of Pub. L. 96-170, set out as a note under section 1343
of Title 28, Judiciary and Judicial Procedure.


Sec. 1985. Conspiracy to interfere with civil rights.

(1) Preventing officer from performing duties

If two or more persons in any State or Territory conspire to
prevent, by force, intimidation, or threat, any person from accepting
or holding any office, trust, or place of confidence under the United
States, or from discharging any duties thereof; or to induce by like
means any officer of the United States to leave any State, district, or
place, where his duties as an officer are required to be performed, or
to injure him in his person or property on account of his lawful
discharge of the duties of his office, or while engaged in the lawful
discharge thereof, or to injure his property so as to molest, interrupt,
hinder, or impede him in the discharge of his official duties;

(2) Obstructing justice; intimidating party, witness, or juror

If by force, intimidation, or threat, any party or witness in any court of
the United States from attending such court, or from testifying to any
matter pending therein, freely, fully, and truthfully, or to injure such
party or witness in his person or property on account of his having so
attended or testified, or to influence the verdict, presentment, or
indictment of any grand or petit juror in any such court, or to injure
such juror in his person or property on account of any verdict,
presentment, or indictment lawfully assented to by him, or of his being
or having been such juror; or if two or more persons conspire for the
purpose of impeding, hindering, obstructing, or defeating, in any
manner, the due course of justice in any State or Territory, with intent
to deny to any citizen the equal protection of the laws, or to injure
him or his property for lawfully enforcing, or attempting to enforce,
the right of any person, or class of persons, to the equal protection of
the laws;

(3) Depriving persons of rights or privileges

If two or more persons in any State or Territory conspire or go in
disguise on the highway or on the premises of another, for the purpose
of depriving, either directly or indirectly, any person or class of
persons of the equal protection of the laws, or of equal privileges and
immunities under the laws; or for the purpose of preventing or hindering
the constituted authorities of any State or Territory from giving or
securing to all persons within such State or Territory the equal
protection of the laws; or if two or more persons conspire to prevent by
force, intimidation, or threat, any citizen who is lawfully entitled to
vote, from giving his support or advocacy in a legal manner, toward or
in favor of the election of any lawfully qualified person as an elector
for President or Vice President, or as a Member of Congress of the
United States; or to injure any citizen in person or property on account
of such support or advocacy; in any case of conspiracy set forth in this
section, if one or more persons engaged therein do, or cause to be done,
any act in furtherance of the object of such conspiracy, whereby another
is injured in his person or property, or deprived of having and
exercising any right or privilege of a citizen of the United States, the
party so injured or deprived may have an action for the recovery of
damages occasioned by such injury or deprivation, against any one or
more of the conspirators.

(R.S. Sec. 1980.)

R.S. Sec. 1980 derived from acts July 31, 1861, ch. 33, 12 Stat.
284; Apr. 20, 1871, ch. 22, Sec. 2, 17 Stat. 13.
Section was formerly classified to section 47 of Title 8, Aliens and


Sec. 1986. Action for neglect to prevent

Every person who, having knowledge that any of the wrongs conspired
to be done, and mentioned in section 1985 of this title, are about to
be committed, and having power to prevent or aid in preventing the
commission of the same, neglects or refuses so to do, if such wrongful
act be committed, shall be liable to the party injured, or his legal
representatives, for all damages caused by such wrongful act, which such
person by reasonable diligence could have prevented; and such damages
may be recovered in an action on the case; and any number of persons
guilty of such wrongful neglect or refusal may be joined as defendants
in the action; and if the death of any party be caused by any such
wrongful act and neglect, the legal representatives of the deceased
shall have such action there for, and may recover not exceeding $5,000
damages therein, for the benefit of the widow of the deceased, if there
be one, and if there be no widow, then for the benefit of the next of
kin of the deceased. But no action under the provisions of this section
shall be sustained which is not commenced within one year after the
cause of action has accrued.

(R.S. Sec. 1981.)

R.S. Sec. 1981 derived from act Apr.20, 1871, ch. 22, Sec. 6, 17
Stat. 15.
Section was formerly classified to section 48 of Title 8, Aliens and

Furthermore, we are informing you of the following U.S. Statutes
that apply to you upon any possible failure to comply with U. S.
Statutes listed above and below, this becomes a U.S. Code Title
18 Violation, as also listed below after Title 42 listed below.
Please see the following:


Sec. 1986. Action for neglect to prevent

1) United States Code Title 18, Part-1Chapter-13 Section 241
(Conspiracy Against Rights).

2) United States Code Title 18, Part-1Chapter-13 Section 242
(Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law).

Thank you for your valuable time, and we wish to hear from
you soon. Please us e-mail us back at your earliest convenience.

Pursuant To:
Uniform Commercial Code - Article1-General Provisions Part 2 §1-207
Performance or Acceptance Under Reservation of Rights.
(1) A party who with explicit reservation of rights performs
or promises performance or assents to performance in a manner
demanded or offered by the other party does not thereby prejudice
the rights reserved. Such words as "without prejudice", "under
protest" or the like are sufficient.

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to an accord and satisfaction.

James A. Sablan Sr. and Sarah L. Matlock